TTCSIRT-188.121318: TT-CSIRT Advisory – WordPress Security Updates

TTCSIRT-186.120518: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Android Security Updates

Google has released a security update stating that the following issues have been discovered in the Android OS: a) Elevation of privilege vulnerability in Framework – (CVE-2018-9547). b) Information disclosure vulnerability in Framework – (CVE-2018-9548). c) Multiple arbitrary code execution in System – (CVE-2018-9555, CVE-2018-9556). d) Multiple vulnerabilities in Qualcomm components – (CVE-2018-11960, CVE-2018-11961, CVE-2018-11963). […]

TTCSIRT-185.112718: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Samba Security Updates

Samba Team has released a security update stating that all versions of Samba from ver 4.0.0 onwards are vulnerable to infinite query recursions caused by CNAME loops. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by adding and removing Domain Name Service (DNS) Records by using the ldbadd tool. Further information on this vulnerability and how it can […]

TTCSIRT-184.112718: TT-CSIRT Advisory – VMware Security Updates

VMware has released a security update stating that VMware Workstation and Fusion contain an integer overflow vulnerability in the virtual network devices. This issue may allow a guest to execute code on the host. Further information on this vulnerability and how it can be mitigated can be found on the VMware Website at

TTCSIRT-183.112118: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Chrome Security Updates

Google has released a security update stating that a vulnerability has been discovered in Google Chrome which could allow for arbitrary code execution. This vulnerability is caused by a use-after-free flaw in GPU (CVE-2018-17479). Further information on this vulnerability and how it can be mitigated can be found on the Google Website at

TTCSIRT-181.111318: TT-CSIRT Advisory – VMware Security Updates

VMware has released a security update stating that VMware ESXi, Fusion and Workstation contain uninitialized stack memory usage in the vmxnet3 virtual network adapter. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to execute code on the host especially if vmxnet3 is enabled. Further information on this vulnerability and how it can be mitigated can be found […]