TTCSIRT-129.061218: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Android Security Updates
Google has released a security update stating that the following vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Android OS: a) Multiple information disclosure vulnerabilities in Framework – (CVE-2017-13227, CVE-2018-9340). b) Multiple…
Read MoreTTCSIRT-128.060818: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Mozilla Security Updates
Mozilla has released a security update stating that a vulnerability in the Mozilla Firefox Browser exists where a heap buffer overflow can occur in the Skia library when rasterizing paths…
Read MoreTTCSIRT-127.060818: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Adobe Security Updates
Adobe has released a security update stating that Adobe Flash Player is prone to the following vulnerabilities: a) A stack-based buffer overflow that could allow for arbitrary code execution –…
Read MoreTTCSIRT-126.060418: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Chrome Security Updates
Google has released a security state stating that the following vulnerabilities have been discovered in Google Chrome: a) Heap buffer overflow in Skia – (CVE-2018-6141, CVE-2018-6126) b) Incorrect escaping of…
Read MoreTTCSIRT-125.060418: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Apple Security Updates
Apple has released a security update stating that it has discovered the following vulnerabilities in the macOS High Sierra 10.13.5: a) Accessibility Framework – a malicious application may be able…
Read MoreIs Cryptojacking Replacing Ransomware as the Next Big Threat?
Monitoring cyberthreats over time reveals interesting insights into the strategies used by cybercriminals and the evolution of the attack vectors they target. While the threat landscape continues to be quite…
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