Alerts & Advisories

ExPetr/Petya/NotPetya is a Wiper, Not Ransomware

After an analysis of the encryption routine of the malware used in the Petya/ExPetr attacks, we have thought that the threat actor cannot decrypt victims’ disk, even if a payment…

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Petya Ransomware Epidemic May Be Spillover From Cyberwar

When a ransomware outbreak exploded from Ukraine across Europe yesterday, disrupting companies, government agencies, and critical infrastructure, it at first appeared to be just another profit-focused cybercriminal scheme—albeit a particularly…

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TTCSIRT-017.062717: TT-CSIRT Advisory – Petya Ransomware

Date First published: 27/6/2017 1.0 Introduction Discovered: June 27, 2017 Updated: June 27, 2017 12:30pm Type: Ransomware Infection Length: Varies Systems Affected: Client Computers, Servers, Websites This is an alert…

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Internet Crime Report For 2016

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released its 2016 Internet Crime Report, describing the numbers and types of cyber crimes reported to IC3. Business Email Compromise (BEC), ransomware attacks,…

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Industrial Companies Targeted by Nigerian Cybercriminals

Industrial companies from around the world have been targeted in phishing attacks believed to have been launched by cybercriminals located in Nigeria, Kaspersky Lab reported on Thursday. In October 2016,…

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Cybersecurity for Electronic Devices

Why does cybersecurity extend beyond computers? Actually, the issue is not that cybersecurity extends beyond computers; it is that computers extend beyond traditional laptops and desktops. Many electronic devices are…

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