Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Symantec Internet Security Report 2017

Symantec Internet Security Report 2017

While ransomware and financial fraud groups continue to pose the biggest threat to end users, other threats are beginning to emerge. It was only a matter of time before attacks on IoT devices began to gain momentum, and 2016 saw the first major incident with the emergence of Mirai, a botnet composed of IoT devices such as routers and security cameras. Weak security made these devices easy pickings for attackers, who constructed a botnet big enough to carry out the largest DDoS attack ever seen. Symantec witnessed a twofold increase in attempted attacks against IoT devices over the course of 2016 and, at times of peak activity, the average IoT device was attacked once every two minutes.

Further information and statistics can be found in the Symantec Internet Security Report which can be downloaded via the TTCSIRT Website at